Mold Analysis by DNA Extraction

At Assured Bio, we employ advanced microscopy, culture and molecular analyses to precisely test for mold. Our cutting-edge techniques provide accurate insights into mold presence and contribute to healthier living spaces.

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Leveraging Molecular testing, Assured Bio leads the industry in precise and swift detection of a diverse range of organisms. We proudly stand as one of the pioneering laboratories in the United States, accredited for molecular detection of molds and bacteria, showcasing our commitment to cutting-edge technology and quality assurance.

Discover the Precision of Molecular Testing
In the realm of indoor air quality, identifying the culprits behind mold related to indoor air quality is paramount but can also be challenging. That’s why we encourage you to consider Molecular Testing, our premier analyses designed to navigate the complex landscape of mold species.

While there are thousands of mold varieties thriving in outdoor settings, there are a select few that pose a threat to the indoor environment, primarily due to water intrusion and/or elevated humidity levels. Conventional identification methods struggle to differentiate between outdoor and indoor mold species. Molecular testing uses targeted molecular probes to focus exclusively on mold species associated with water intrusion.

Specific molds are identified and also quantified; offering a clear picture of the indoor environment’s health. For inspectors, this means receiving a molecular test report that directly reflects the conditions of the sampled area and eliminating the need of an outdoor mold comparison.

Advantages of Molecular Mold Testing

Focus exclusively on indoor-relevant mold species; an outside sample comparisons is greatly reduced, if not eliminated

No need for incubation, saving time and resources.

Molecular Testing works with standard air pumps, swabs, and
dust vacuum cassettes.

Standard three-day processing option; rushes available.

Our patented cassette technology ensures that air samples won’t overload
and spore bounce is eliminated.
An invaluable tool in situations where occupant health is at risk or in legal
scenarios requiring definitive evidence.
In addition to mold, molecular testing can simultaneously detect specific bacteria from the same sample, offering a more comprehensive analysis.

Leverage the capability for ongoing surveillance over extended periods, from days up to a month, utilizing the WhisperCare® sampling pump and M-TRAP® cassettes.