Have a Mold Problem?

At Assured Bio, we employ advanced microscopy, culture and molecular analyses to precisely test for mold. Our cutting-edge techniques provide accurate insights into mold presence and contribute to healthier living spaces.

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Find the Right Analysis for Your Needs

Microscopy provides direct visual confirmation of mold presence, allowing for immediate identification of different mold species.

Microscopic examination is often more cost-effective compared to molecular-based analyses, making it a practical option for routine inspections.

Microscopy can yield quick results, enabling timely response and intervention in cases where immediate action is required.

Microscopy offers qualitative insights into the morphology and characteristics of molds, aiding in a comprehensive understanding of the microbial landscape.

Microscopy is adaptable for on-site investigations, allowing for real-time assessment and decision-making in various environments.

Viability testing allows for the discrimination between live and dead microorganisms, providing insights into the active biological load.
Viability testing offers a direct assessment of microbial activity, helping to gauge the potential impact of microorganisms on the environment or the material being tested.
Viability testing can provide real-time monitoring of microbial growth and activity, allowing for timely interventions and adjustments.
Viability testing can yield quantitative data on the number of viable microorganisms, offering a more nuanced understanding of the microbial population.
Viability testing assesses the impact of live microorganisms, crucial for understanding mold viability in residential settings, directly influencing indoor air quality and occupant health.

Molecular analyses can detect mold DNA even at low concentrations, providing a highly sensitive method for identifying hidden or low-level mold contamination.

DNA testing allows for precise identification of mold species, offering more detailed information about the specific types present.

Molecular-based analyses can provide quantitative data on the amount of mold present, offering a more nuanced understanding of the contamination level.

DNA testing can detect a wide range of mold species simultaneously, making it a comprehensive tool for assessing microbial diversity.

Molecular analyses provide objective and standardized results, reducing the potential for human error and ensuring consistency in findings across different laboratories.