AIHA Accredited Laboratory #183867

Achieve and Maintain
USP <797> Compliance
Assured Bio provides analytical testing for facilities that compound sterile medications – helping achieve USP <797> compliance.
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What Our Clients Value
USP <797> Sampling Methods

The Aseptic Manipulation Competency Demonstration mandates the completion of a semiannual media fill test (MFT) alongside concurrent surface test (ST) and gloved fingertip test (GFT) for each hand for level 1, 2 and a quarterly frequency for level 3.
Each evaluation comprises one petri plate per hand, one plate for the ST, and a media fill test kit. Failure is determined if more than 3 Colony Forming Units (CFU) are detected on the combined GFT plates, if there is growth in the MFT, or if more than 3 CFU are found on the ST.
The standard turnaround time for results is 14-17 days, with GFT and ST results potentially available earlier.