The search for a new lab manager is finally over – Assured Bio Labs is excited to welcome Joshua Birkebak, PhD (ABD). Joshua has over
12 years’ experience in mycology, including taxonomy, systematics, genetics, microscopy, culture, fieldwork, and herbarium work. He holds a B.S. in Plant Science from the University of Washington and is currently finishing a PhD at the University of Tennessee (anticipated August 2015). Please feel free to contact Joshua with questions or requests:
The Assured Bio Team has been working hard to ensure a smooth transition for our clients. Our Interim Lab Manager, Annie Furches, and our Office Manager, Doris Dills, have been training Joshua since early March. In addition, Annie will remain in association with Assured Bio in the role of Scientific Adviser and Lead Scientific Consultant. Both Doris (
doris@assuredbio.com) and Annie (
annie@assuredbio.com) will be available to assist with questions during the transition period and beyond.
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