If we allow a measles virus reservoir to become active in the non-vaccinated population, we run the risk of rapid mutation into strains that overcome the immunity in vaccinated people. Then everyone is at risk. Having everyone vaccinated prevents the possibility of a measles epidemic. Prior to the vaccine, 3-4 million cases of measles occurred in the United States each year. Of those 3-4 million cases, about 450 people died each year. In my professional opinion, contagious, disease causing viruses have no rights. They are not fluffy bunnies or playful pups. They are the closest thing that we have to aliens on earth. They kill and should be exterminated!
About the Author: Edward Sobek, PhD, MBA

Dr. Edward Sobek has 25 years of experience in microbiology and indoor air quality. He has a master’s degree in Plant Pathology from Iowa State University, where he studied Fusarium disease transmission in field crops. He received his doctorate degree from Texas Tech University where he studied the ecology of desert molds (mitosporic fungi). He obtained his Executive MBA in Healthcare leadership from the University of Tennessee's presidious Haslam School of Business in 2016. Dr. Sobek is an active researcher. He holds the appointment of Senior Research Scientist with the University of Tennessee’s Center for Environmental Biotechnology CEB and has developed and patented several mold detection technologies. He is a sought after speaker on the scientific circuit by educational and governmental organizations that are anxious to learn how to use DNA to detect mold in residential and commercial properties. He has also published a variety of scientific papers, book chapters, white papers, and trade articles for the IAQ industry.
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