Recommended for water quality testing in any home, building, or facility and for those served by a private well or spring. This panel addresses concerns related to natural water chemistry, nearby human activity, and plumbing infrastructure. Key Features:
  • EPA-Approved Methods: Our water analysis follows EPA-approved methods, ensuring reliable results that meet most mortgage lender requirements, including FHA, VA, and USDA home loans.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Detects a range of contaminants:
  • Biological:Coliform, E. coli (presence/absence) Inorganic:Chloride, Nitrate, Nitrite, total Phosphate, Sulfate Metal: Arsenic, total Copper, total Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium Properties: Color, Conductivity, Hardness, pH, Total Suspended Solids
Why Choose This Test?
  • Mortgage Loan Compliance: Appropriate for those seeking FHA, VA, or USDA home loans. Always consult your mortgage lender about specific testing requirements prior to sampling. In some instances, a licensed third-party sample collector is required.
  • Well Water Safety: Perfect for properties served by private or shared wells, especially if there is a septic tank nearby. Health Protection: Essential for households with young children or other vulnerable individuals, as well as those concerned about agricultural runoff.
  • Filtration System Assessment: Evaluate the effectiveness of your water filtration system.
Accreditation American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)-Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, ID#: 183867 Tennessee DEC Division of Water Resources, Certified Microbiology Laboratory (ID# 03147). The scope of accreditation includes total coliform and E. coli. Kit includes Instructions, Sampling Materials, and Laboratory Analysis 5-Day Lab Turnaround Time